WMDC Shipping Guarantee
Purchase the WMDC Shipping Guarantee to get a quick and painless refund or replacement if your order is lost or damaged in transit.
Despite their best efforts, transportation carriers sometimes lose or damage products while in transit. Because we have no control over the carriers, or ability to prevent such loss or damage while our product is in their custody, the standard rates we charge assume no liability for products that are lost or damaged in transit.
However, as a value-added convenience to our customers, for an additional $3 USD, we will accept full liability for any loss or damage that may occur to your product while in transit. For customers who choose to pay this small price increase, we will send you a refund or replacement product at no charge after receiving your claim. We will also take responsibility for filing a claim with the responsible carrier, without you having to be directly involved.
If you have experienced an issue with your order, and have paid this additional charge, please file a claim with our team by reaching out to info@wildmandrinking.com.
If you have not paid this additional charge, please contact the carrier for instructions on how to file a claim for the loss or damage.
The Krak'in should not be used by individuals under the legal drinking age (minors) to consume alcoholic beverages. Minors should only use the Krak'in with non-alcoholic canned beverages. Wild Man Drinking Company is not to be held responsible for use of the Krak'in to consume alcoholic beverages by minors.
Use the Krak’in at your own risk. Wild Man Drinking Company is not responsible for any injury, bodily harm, or loss of life sustained before, during, or after use of the Krak’in.