Smoke or Fire: A Drinking Card Game

Welcome to Smoke or Fire, the ultimate drinking card game that brings excitement, chaos, and just the right amount of friendly betrayal to your game nights. With four thrilling rounds that push your luck and challenge your instincts, this game is designed to keep the energy high and the drinks flowing.
Think you have what it takes to outguess your friends and survive all four rounds? Let’s break down how the game works and why it’s about to become your new go-to for unforgettable nights. 🍻🔥
Game Setup
Players: 2-12 players
Deck: A standard 52-card deck
Seating: Form a circle or huddle around a table.
Dealer: Nominate the most sober (or power-hungry) person to manage the cards.
Smoke or Fire Rules
You’ll earn 4 personal cards by participating in increasingly difficult guessing games. Each round makes you question your luck, sobriety, and possibly your friendships.
Round 1: Red or Black
Dealer: Shuffles the deck to begin passing them out.
Question: Starting with the player to their left, the dealer asks, “Red or black?”
Right Answer: Give a drink to the player of your choice.
Wrong Answer: Take a drink for your own stupidity.
Repeat: Continue around the table until everyone has their first card.
Round 2: Higher or Lower
Second Card: Dealer will give each player a second card, after guessing the question.
Question: “Is this card higher or lower than your first one?” (Aces are high and 2’s are low)
Correct Answer: Give a drink to the player of your choice.
Wrong Answer: Take a drink for being wrong.
Identical Cards: Automatic two-drink penalty for being boring.
Repeat: Continue around the table until everyone has received their second card.
Round 3: Between or Outside
Third Card: Dealer will give everyone a third card after guessing the question.
Question: “Will this card be between or outside of your first two card values?”
Correct Answer: Give a drink to the player of your choice.
Wrong Answer: Take a drink for making a mistake.
Identical Cards: If all three match, it’s an instant 3-drink penalty.
Repeat: Continue around the table until everyone has received their third card.
Round 4: Guess the Suit
Fourth Card: Dealer will give everyone their final card after guessing the question.
Question: “What’s the suit of your card? Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs, or Spades?”
Correct Answer: Give a drink to the player of your choice.
Wrong Answer: Take a drink for not knowing.
House Rules
Here are some of our favorite house rules:
If you miss multiple guesses in a row, take extra drinks for your prior mess ups.
Example: If you missed the first suit color, and higher or lower, take two drinks.
If you get all 4 guesses wrong, shotgun a beer with The Krak’in.
Game End
Celebrate your survival by laughing at the poor soul who guessed most of their cards wrong or who was nominated to take the most drinks. If you feel like playing again, shuffle cards, select a new dealer and see if your guesses are as good (or bad) as they were before.